Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners: tenth report, 1850, with appendices

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43 9. 
The teacher and the constables are to be exempt from the duty of cleaning decks amongst Appendix No. 
the messes, or from taking their turn in the party of general cleaners and sweepers. 
The man acting as cook's-assistant for the day, if there be one, and the hospital-man, will also be exempt Abstra»ct^f \he-from°those duties. 

P fefS^ 10. 
At the end of the voyage the following gratuities will be paid :— 1849. 

To the teacher a gratuity not exceeding . 

" " n 

r les' Constables, ditto, each ..... 
Tile hospital-assistant and cook's-assistant, if any, each in case these persons shall have performed their duties to the satisfaction of the surgeon and the colonial authorities. 

On every Thursday there shall be a muster of the emigrants in clean linen and Thursday muster, apparel. 
Weather permitting, all the children are to be sent on deck immediately after breakfast, Inspector of to bo inspected as to their cleanliness by the surgeon, religious instructor, or the teacher. 

School hours are to be fixed by the religious instructor or schoolmaster, subject to the School hours, approval of the surgeon-superintendent, or if there be no religious instructor, by the surgeon himself. 
Divine Service is to be performed at least once on every Sunday. 
Divine Service. 
The married men in rotation will keep a watch in their part of the 'tween decks during Wa'ch atnizht the night. 
There should be two or three in each watch, and the night should be divided into three watches; the first from 8 p.m. 
to midnight, the second from midnight till 4 o'clock, and the morning watch from 4 to 7 A.M. 
The business of the watch will be to prevent irregu¬ larities—to assist any persons taken ill—to attend to the hatchways, deck-ventilators, and scuttles, seeing that they arc open or shut, according to the weather and the surgeon's directions—and to make any representation that may be necessary to the surgeon-super¬ intendent. 
The heavy luggage is to be put in the hold. 
The emigrants will have access to their Luggage, boxes at intervals of three or four weeks, as the surgeon-superintendent may direct. 

All questions that may arise on the preceding Regulations are to be decided con-Doubts to be settled! 
clusively by the authority of the surgeon-superintendent, who is entirely respons.ble 
for the care by Surgeon. 
and [good management of the emigrants, and whose authority is to be respected in all cases accordingly. 
The surgeon-superintendent is enjoined to refuse the extra comforts when in course of Refusal of extra issue, and to deny any other indulgence he may think proper, to any persons who wilfully comforts to the neglect or obstruct the established Rules; and in case of gross misconduct or insubordination, JnsUuordinate-he will report it to (he Governor on arrival, with the name of the offender, in order that any penalties which may have been incurred under the Passenger Act may be duly enforced. 
The preceding Regulations, in connection with those prescribed by the Order in Council Concluding will, the Commissioners believe, if properly attended to, be found sufficient to ensure good remaiks. 
order, cleanliness, and comfort, during the voyage. 
But if they be neglected, the health, comfort, and future prospects of the emigrants must be injured. 
Unless cleanliness and ventilation be attended to, the emigrants cannot be preserved in health—unless regularity and harmony be maintained, their comfort cannot be ensured. 
And the Commissioners desire to impress on the emigrants, that on the report which the surgeon-superintendent may make of the state of their health, and of their conduct On board, must depend very much their success in finding employment in the colony. 

By order of the Board, 

Stephen Walcott, Secretary. 
Colonial Land and Emigration Office, 

9, Park-street, Westminster, October, 1849. 
person displacing or defacing the above Abstract will be liable to a penalty not exceeding 40s.-~See 
41st section of the ff Passengers' Act, 1849." 
