Account of Fines received under Fines and Penalties Act; Return of Amount paid to Fund from each County, and Expenditure

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Brought forward --£. 
Paid Charles Alexander John Piesse, Secretary to the Loan Fund Board, his Salary for one Quarter, to 31st March 1841, per Order in Council, 25th February 1841, and Lord Lieutenant's Letter, 1st April 1841 Ditto, one quarter, to 30th June 1841, Lord Lieutenant's Let¬ ter, 1st April 1841 Paid the Rev. 
Andrew Forster, of Bray, Treasurer to the Bray Loan Fund Society, amount collected from default¬ ing borrowers, and erroneously paid into this Fund, Lord Lieutenant's Letter, 23d March 1841 -Captain Adams, Paymaster of the Centre Recruiting District, for account of the General Agent, for the Recruiting Ser¬ vice in London, being amount of Fines levied at Petty Ses¬ sions, under the Mutiny Act, per Lord Lieutenant's Letter, 3d May 1841 -

Ditto, amount of Fees awarded to the Secretary at War for breaches of the Mutiny Act in 1840, by Petty Sessions of Belmont, King's County, Lord Lieutenant's Letter, 18th August 1841 ----...-_ 

600 --

Issued out of the Fund 

the Paymaster of Civil Services. 
14,844 12 4 

Total issued from the Fund Balance in Bank at 18th September 1841 

Paymaster of Civil Services Office, Dublin Castle,^ 

28 September 1841. 

675 -

40 4 10 15,559 1&504 

17 2 3 4 31,064 -6 


PAYMENTS made froiu Civil Contingencies for adjusting the Accounts of Fines and 


Paid A. 
Rathbourne, allowance for 12 weeks' services performed by him under the Chief Remembrancer regarding Fines and Penalties, Lord Lieu¬ tenant's Letter, dated 6th June 1840 J. 
Jephson, for his services in settling the accounts of Fines of the Metro¬ politan Police and Petty Sessions, from 14th February to 26th June 1840, at two guineas per week, Lord Lieutenant's Letter, 16th July 1840 -Ditto, on account like service, Lord Lieutenant's Letter, 20th October 1840 -Ditto, balance of the Allowance granted to 31st December 1840, for like ser¬ vice, Lord Lieutenant's Letter, dated 19th January 1841 -Paid James Mackay, allowance granted to him for his services in settling the accounts of Fines of the Metropolitan Police and Petty Sessions, from 12th September 1839 to 23d July 1840, at 30s. 
per week, Lord Lieutenant's Letter, 7th September 1840 Ditto, the like service, from 23d July 1840 to 4th March 1841, at ditto, Lord Lieutenant's Letter, 19th March 1841 ---Henry Pickering, like service, same period ----ditto -«ancis_ Curtis, like service, same period, at 2/. 
per week, ditto Ditto, for his sewices in the examination of Petty Sessions Returns to 28th August 1841, Lord Lieutenant's Letter, 2d September 1841 «enry Pickering -ditto -ditto -< ditto A. 
Stoker -

--ditto -ditto --ditto ----


Mackay ---ditto -ditto --ditto 

Paymaster of Civil Services Office, Dublin Castle, 

28 September 1841. 

37 16 -

39 18 _ 

30 _ -

2G 14 -

67 10 -

48 --

48 --64 --

5o --

37 io -

50 --

37 10 -

536 18 -
