Commissioners to revise Laws by which Monies are raised by Grand Jury Presentments in Ireland: report, minutes of evidence and appendix

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xliii The maintenance of infirm and aged Persons costs much more than that of vi. 
Remedial healthy Adults, which Prisoners in general are. 
The Auditor's Report on the Measpbes-Accounts of the North Dublin Union for 1840 states that the actual weekly Gaols. 
cost of the food given to an Adult Pauper in health is only Is. 
which Diet * would make the charge for the Diet of each Pauper in health amount not to £4 lb'. 
but only to £3 12,v. 

Wishing, however, that our Estimate should be rather above than below the Estimated cost of mark, we have set down £1 IPs. 
a-year for the Diet of each Prisoner, and Prisoners and £1 19.s. 
for other necessaries, making "in the whole £6 10„. 
so that the 

paupeiS: charge for the support of 4,957 Prisoners, that being the average number in 1840, would come to £32,282 JL. 
As to Stationery, we have estimated the expenses of it for the several County other Expenses Gaols, including two for the County of Kildare, two for the County of Antrim, connected withGaois. 
and two for the County of Louth, there being two for each of these at present, at £350, being at the rate of £10 for each. 
As to the conveyance of Prisoners, we have estimated the expenses to be incurred for this purpose at £634 2s. 
that being the amount expended for it in 1840. 
As to Bridewells, we have estimated their support at £2,761 0*. 
that too being the amount expended for the purpose in 1840. 
Our whole Estimate comes to £55,693 Ga. 
51/L; whereas the Presentments Estimated saving for the several purposes included in it amounted", in 1840, to £95,156 10*. 
Practicable-Therefore, taking that year for a standard, a saving might be effected, upon the Presentments for Prison expenses, exclusive of Dublin, to the amount, in the whole, of about £39,400, a-year. 
In order to carry the foregoing suggestions into effect, (if approved of,) subject, Recommendations as however, to any modifications in them which may be thought proper, and also to 

to Pnsons: bring the Prisons under one uniform system of discipline and order, we recom¬ mend—• 

That the Lord Lieutenant shall be authorized to make Rules, in Council, Privy Council to 

for tho government of all Gaols in Ireland, whether County Prisons or 

ma e ules" Bridewells, as to Discipline,Diet, Clothing, Establishment, and all other purposes. 
That the Accounts of every Gaol shall be made up to the 25th of March, Quarteiiy Accounts, 

the 25th of .June, 
the 25th September, and the 25th December, in an nspecion' each year ; that every (Jouuty Prison shall be inspected once in every quarter, and every District Bridewell once at the least in every year, by one or other of tho Inspectors-General of Prisons; and that it shall be part of the duty of the Inspector-General who may visit each Gaol, to examine the Gaol Accounts, and make such notes as he may think proper thereupon. 
That the Inspectors-General shall make a Quarterly Report on tho state inspection of and 

of each Prison, and the expenditure thereof, to the Lord Lieutenant in Reports on P,180IU' Council, and shall also make any Special Report thereupon, from time to time, that they may think proper. 
That each County Prison shall also be inspected once, at the least, in every week, by the County Inspector of the Constabulary, and each Bridewell, either by the County Inspector or the Sub-Inspector, within whose District it may be, and that every such Inspector and Sub-Inspector shall make a Report upon the state of each Prison which ho shall so visit, weekly, to the Local Board of Superintendence, and to the Inspectors-General of Prisons. 
That tho Board of Superintendence of each County Prison, shall transmit ^JJj'-to the Lord Lieutenant in Council, prior to each of the quarter days an 

before-mentioned, an estimate of the sum which may be required for such Prison, and of the several District Bridewells within the County, in the ensuing quarter, with such particulars in respect thereof, as the general Rules, made bf the Lord Lieutenant in Council, may direct. 
That such sum as tho Lord Lieutenant in Council may thereupon order, shall bo issued to every such Board of Superintendence, for the support of every such Prison and Bridewell, for the ensuing quarter, in like manner as moneys issued for the support of Lunatic Asjlums 
