Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the municipal corporations in Ireland: first report

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Deputy Recorder. 

President of the Court of Conscience. 

Town Clerks. 


Water Bailiffs. 
Serjeants at Mace. 
Secretary of Lord Mayor and Register of Lord Mayor's Court. 
Register of Court of Conscience. 
Bailiffs ofthatCourt. 
Governor of New¬ gate and Keeper of City Marshalsea. 
Keeper of Sheriffs' Prison. 


Other Ministerial Officers. 

Clerks of the Mar¬ kets. 

Inspector of the Hay Market. 

Clerks of the Hay Market. 
Weighmasters of Butter Crane. 

should be a barrister of six years' standing. 
By the 5 Geo. 
102, s. 
27, the recorder is prohibited from acting or practising 


as counsel in any criminal or civil court within the police district of the metropolis. 
This district comprises all places within eight miles of the Castle of Dublin. 
The Coroners are elected by the lord mayor and board of aldermen alone, and from the aldermen. 
The lord mayor for the time being was President of the Court of Conscience until the year 1759, but by the statute 33 Geo. 
16, s. 
]5, the lord mayor is made president of this court, for the space of one year next after he shall have served in the office of lord mayor; and by the statute 11, 12 Geo. 
11, s. 
71, the president for the time being may, by warrant under his hand and seal, appoint any alderman to officiate in his place, during his illness, or necessary absence. 
The Town Clerks, who are also the clerks of the peace, are elected exactly as the recor¬ der. 
They hold their office until death, resignation, or removal, and must, under the new rules, be approved of by the lord lieutenant and privy council. 
It is not necessary that they should be freemen. 
The Marshal is elected in the same way and by the same body. 
The only qualification required is his being a freeman: this officer, in common with many others, is elected by the corporation, in form, only for one year; in practice, however, the same individuals are annually re-elected; instances to the contrary are rare, but it is competent to any member of the commons to demand a ballot on the question. 
The Water Bailiffs are elected as the marshal is, and by the same body, and go through the same form of annual election. 
They give security with two sureties to the extent of 1,000/. 

The Serjeants at Mace are similarly elected, and go through the same form. 
Thej give security with two sureties in 250/. 
The Secretary of the Lord Mayor and the Register of the Lord Mayor's Court are annual officers appointed by the lord mayor for the time being. 
The Register of the Court of Conscience is an annual officer appointed by the presi¬ dent of the court for the time being. 
The Bailiffs of that Court are appointed by the register, to whom they pay fees on their appointment, generally of 51. 
The Crier of the Quarter Sessions Court is appointed by the court. 
The Governor of Newgate and the Keeper of the City Marshalsea are elected by the common council, and go through the form of annual re-election. 
The former appoints the Deputy Governor. 
The Keeper of the Sheriffs' Prison is annually appointed by the sheriffs, hut the same officer is usually continued. 
The Treasurer is elected under the New Rules by the lord mayor and aldermen, and he and the coroners are the only officers in whose election the commons do not participate. 
There is in form an annual election, but the same person is usually re-elected. 
The treasurer has always been elected from the aldermen, and does not vacate his office of alderman on being elected treasurer. 
He gives security by two sureties in the sum of 5,000/. 


J J 52. 
Of the other Ministerial Officers the following are elected by the same bodies, and in the same manner as the marshal: namely, 

The Accountant^ 

Architect, Surveyor, High Constable, Sword Bearer, Mace Bearer, and Officer of Commons. 
The Law Agents and Clerk of the Commons are elected by the same body, but hold their offices for life or during good behaviour. 
The Staffmen are appointed, for his year of office, by the lord mayor for the time being. 
The Clerks of the Markets are the deputies of the lord mayor, who is bv charter clerk of the markets. 
They are annual officers appointed by each lord mayor for his year of office, and generally the same individuals are continued. 
Each clerk of the market pays a fee of 111. 
to the lord mayor on his appointment. 
The Inspector of the Hay Market is an officer annually appointed bv the lord mayor, to enforce the regulation of the statutes 4 Geo I.e. 
11, s. 
12, 13, and 11 Geo. 
H s. 
10; no such officer is mentioned in either of the Acts. 
He pays a fee of 11Z. 
to the lord mayor on his appointment. 
The lord mayor also annually appoints the Clerks or Weighmasters of the Hay Mar¬ ket, each of whom pays him a fee of 11/. 
The Weighmasters of the Butter Cranes in Spitalfields and Thomas Street are ap¬ pointed under the authority of the statute 52 Geo. 
By the Irish statute 8 Geo. 
l c 7, 3. 
a temporary Act, weighmasters of butter and tallow were to be appointed during