Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the municipal corporations in Ireland: first report

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THERE are 117 places in which inquiry was instituted by the Commissioners. 

22 appear either not to have had municipal corporations in 1800,, or the e?i-

dence of their having had them is unsatisfactory. 
95 appear to have had municipal corporations in 1800. 
In 24 the Commissioners were unable to discover, in 1833, any existing members • of the corporations which had subsisted in 1800. 
11* they found the corporations in actual decay, or in a condition of doubtful 

60 they found the corporations still maintained. 

Their total population is 894,503. 

The corporations claimed to be governed, principally, 

By Charter of Walter De Lacy in 

„ Henry VIII. 
,* Elizabeth „ James I. 

„ Charles I. 
„ Charles II. 

„ William III. 

Anne : By prescription Bv Act of Parliament 


1 2 6 55 7 16 1 1 4 9 95 CORPORATE BODY. 
In the 71 boroughs in which there are existing corporations or corporators They found the corporations composed of definite classes only in . 

„ „ indefinite classes only in . 
„ ,, both definite and indefinite classes in 43 In boroughs in which the number is definite, 

Corporators It is in 5 . 
under 10. 

j> 10 


abov< 3 10 and under 20. 
boroughs where there' are 

indefinite classes. 

It is in 21 . 
not exceeding 20. 
}> 12 abo,i •e 20 50. 
IS 5 » 50 100. 
» 2 »* 100 200. 
}> 5 it 200 300. 
3} 4 }* 500 1,000. 
}> 1 

„ 1,000 


JJ 1 

3} 2,000 3,000. 
t> 1 

—52 67 

3,000 4,000. 

Numbers not stated in 4 _, 

