Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the municipal corporations in Ireland: first report

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105 CORK. 



THE corporation of the town of Youghal appears to have existed by prescription. 
It is supposed that a Charter of incorporation was granted to the town by King John, but if Charters. 
anv such was granted, no trace can be found of it either amongst the records ofthe corporation, or in the Roll's Office in Dublin, or in the Tower of London, though it is said there is a copy of such charter in the British Museum. 
The earliest charter that can be found is amongst the English Patent Rolls in the Tower of London, of 31 Edward III. 
17, and is stated in the Calendar of English Patent Rolls, to 31 Edward 3. 
be a murage grant. 
The earliest charter how extant in the repositories of records in Ireland, was granted by 26th January. 
Edward III. 
It bears date the 26th of January, in the forty-ninth year of his reign, 1374-5, 49 Edward III. 
(enrolled Pot. 
49 Edward III. 
The charter grants to the sovereign, bailiffs, and good men, ofthe town ofYoghill, certain tolls and customs, therein specified, on certain articles coming to the town to be sold, whether by land or water, for alimited period, in aid ofthe murage and pavage, and other necessary works of the said town, provided that, at the end of each year, they should account for same before the bishop, dean, and parson of Cloyne, for the time being, or one of them, and that those auditors, or one of them, should have said amount distinctly and aptly, from time to time, before the treasurer and barons of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. 
The next charter is one of the 4th day of July, 49 Edward III., 
1375, (enrolled Rot. 
4th July. 
49 Edward III. 
13,) which, on the petition ofthe sovereign, merchants, and 49 Edward III. 
commons of the town of Yoghill, complaining of being compelled to pay certain dues on certain staple articles in the harbour of Cork, beyond what they should have paid, grants that these dues should, in future, be paid in the port of Yoghill, and that the acquittances for such payments and receipts should, in fulure, be given in such port, under the seal of the cocquet, so that the said sovereign, merchants, and commons should not be molested or obstructed on account thereof. 
A charter of 3 Richard II. 
is found in the Tower of London, in the Rot. 
3 Richard II. 
3 Richard II. 
16, which is stated in the above-mentioned Calendar of English Patent Rolls, to be a confirmation of liberties for the men of Yoghill. 
The next charter is one of the 12th February, in the twentieth year of Richard II., 
1397, 20 Richard II. 
(enrolled Rot. 
2 Hen. 
granting customs and cocquet for a limited period. 
It is stated in the Calendar above mentioned, that a charter of the twenty-second year of 22 Richard II. 
Richard II. 
is enrolled in the Tower of London, in the rolls of that year, m. 
J 7, granting the office of searcher and water bailiff of Yoghill. 
The next charter is dated on the 12th of May in the fifth year of Henry IV. 
(enrolled 5 Helu7Iv-Rot. 
27 Elizabeth, m. 
and is merely a licence to treat with rebels. 
The next charter bears date on the 3d of February, in the second year of Henry V. 
(1414, 3d February, enrolled Rot. 
second year of Henry V., 
article 150.) 
It recites the charters of the 26th 2 Henry v« of January, 49 Edward III., 
and ofthe 20 Richard II., 
and confirms and extends the period for taking the customs thereby granted. 
Uov\e-neXt is date<i tue6tn of February, in the same year, (enrolled on the same roll, article 6th February. 
149) it recites and confirms that of Henry IV., 
and extends the period of treating with 2 Hem*y y* The next is dated on the 28th of December, in the second year of Edward IV., 
1462, 2 Edward IV. 
(enrolled Rot. 
It grants to the sovereign, provosts, and burgesses oi the town, and their successors, burgesses ofthe said town, customs and cocquet for the repair 0 the walls, to be received by the sovereign and*provosts, and the account thereof to be taken romi year to year, before two most sufficient and discreet burgesses ofthe said town yearly, to to tVTi?1 
v° that end by tlle commons of the said town, and no account thereof to be given wellI ff 

ecluer> and tnat the sovereign and provosts should have cognizance of all pleas, as not tenures lying within the said town, by fresh force, as of all personal actions to any amount, to t P?W-ei"t0 
ill(Iuire of and punish regraters and forestalled, and power to license strangers shoD Vn Said t0Wn' Providing ttlat if anY traded without such licence, their merchandises lorn * for,feited for the "benefit of the said sovereign, provosts, and burgesses, and that the of w^t Provosts should have the assize of bread and beer, and the custody and assize and th tt and measures aild all other things to the office of clerk of the market belonging, clerk f tl sovereign should be escheator and admiral of the said town, excluding any other pleas 

° f l ?arketj 
escneator> and admiral, and that the sovereign should have power of all one of tl and a11 assize happening in the same town; and that said town should be 

^e petty limbs ofthe cinque ports of Ireland.