Account of Number of Gallons of Wash distilled from Malt, and Proof Spirits made from Malt, in Scotland and Ireland, 1826-27

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OF the Number of Gallons of Wash distilled from Malt only, by each Distiller in &of/ö«c? 
and Jre/a«rf respectively; from ioth October 1826 to ioth October 1827. 

OF the total Number of Gallons of Proof Spirits made from Malt only, by each Distiller in .SW/ffw/ 
and iref?ff/z<7*; 
from ioth October 1826 to ioth October 1827. 

OrrfereJ, 5y The House of Commons, £0 6e Prwfeii, 

19 «/«fy 1828.